Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Time is Flying Fast

Wow, one week from today and it is Christmas Eve. I hope everyone is ready, I am almost. I am Looking forward to the trip to Utah to see all my wonderful family. But, not looking forward to it being cold and snowy, so, please let the snow melt and go away before I get there, and stay away until I can get back home. I love all of you, and I am anxious to see you. Take care, and I will see you on the 30th.

Friday, November 28, 2008


Well, the long awaited for Thanksgiving Dinner is over and gone, time to move on the Christmas. I love the decorations, but I am getting so that I hate taking down and putting up. Today my goal is to remove fall and Thanksgiving, and then be ready to put up Christmas next week. People in my neighborhood have already got their Christmas trees up and decorated, as well as their yard. I guess if I had a little help I might be more on the ball. I just dread getting out all the Christmas stuff, but as soon as I get it done I will be happy. Think I will invite the kids over for Family Home Evening on Monday, and let them help. I think that is a super Idea. Hope all had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was very good.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Since everyone is doing the thankful thing I should follow suit. I am thankful for a wonderful mom and dad, great brothers and sister, wonderful nieces, nephews, and all the in laws. I am very thankful for three wonderful sons, and 7 grandchildren who keep my life worth living. I am so thankful and truly blessed for all my wonderful friends. I am thankful for all the wonderful technology of the day, the free country we live in, and for the knowledge we have of our Savior Jesus Christ, and his sacrifice for us. I am thankful for the ward I live in,and the comforts of a nice home. I am thankful to be living in this day and age. I do hope that I can stick around for many more years. I suppose you could go on forever and ever there are so many things to be thankful for. I wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving, and keep on blogging because I love to read about your lives.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I know this will sound silly, but I just found out today that I can text google from my cell phone to fine out things I need to know if I am not at home on my computer. I wanted to know where a Del Taco was because the one I went to was closed, and Elaine showed me how to ask Google to search it. Well, the rest of you probably know that, but I am just learning new things. I am sure thankful that I have lived long enough to enjoy all of this new technology that we have. Even though I am a little challenged by it, I can always find a friend, niece, or son to show me how to use it. Thank Goodness for friends and family.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sunny is awsome

I love Sunny cause she knows how to do everything and she always comes over to help me. She helped me change my background and playlist. I don't know what I would do without her. She is the greatest neice a girl could ever ask for!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Well, it has been awhile since I have posted, I love reading the blogs, but don't seem to have time to write anything. Doesn't help that I have a hard time putting things in words. Shilo and Natalee came to visit us, and it was a lot of fun. Natalee wanted a sleep over with Crew and Abby, and Abby was such a cute little dog, she actually slept all night on the bed with her. I think Shilo has pictures on her blog. It is always fun when Shilo comes to visit. I missed Nathan not being there though. I also never remember to take pictures, so I don't have any to post.

Halloween was fun, lots of little ghosts and goblins coming to the door trick or treating. Hayden came, and was a cute little guy. Then on Saturday Sunny came over to sew, and guess what? Aunt Sharon let Hayden have a Peanut Butter Cup, and the rest of the story is on Sunny's Blog. So, hopefully I have learned my lesson, and I will remember that the little guy is allergic to peanuts. Oh boy am I glad I can eat Peanut Butter Cups they are my favorite.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Just thought I would add that I woke up this morning to take the dogs for their morning walk, and actually had to put on a jacket. Finally, the heat seems to have gone away, of course you never know, it could return tomorrow. But, so far today, the temp is great, it is now around 1:00, and it is only 74 in my house. So, hopefully, the cooler weather is here.


Had a neat experience on Friday morning with Mike, Tara, Kelsey and Cameron. We met at the temple and did baptisms for some ancestors that I found who needed their temple work done. They were from Grandma Ewell's line. We did 13 women, and 13 men. I have never done family names, and I just enjoyed the experience. I was so happy to have grandchildren who could do the baptisms. It was a very nice morning.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


WOW! The conference the last two days was wonderful. I especially enjoyed the story of President Monson that they showed between sessions, and I am enjoying it again right now. I thought all the talks were especially good, and I really enjoyed listening to all of the sessions.


Thursday night I attended the concert at the High School my granddaughter Tayler attends. She is a Sophmore. She plays the violin and is in the Symphony Orchestra. Her High School has 4 Orchestra's, and the Symphony is the highest one. Tayler was in the middle orchestra last year and was 1st chair violin. This year she made the Symphony choir and is 5th chair violin. I am so proud of her. She loves the violin, and the Orchestra at the High School, is very good. I enjoyed every minute of it. One of the nice things about her being 5th chair violin is that she sits right on the edge so you can see her very well.

Monday, September 29, 2008


I just became aware of a video that my stake has produced about Humanitarian Service. Our stake is pretty involved, and every Tuesday from 9:00 - 11:00, they have a service day at our Stake Center. They do all kinds of things, and the video shows you all the things they make, and also the little children who benefit from it. It is a UTUBE thing, and if you go to google and search Boulder Creek Stake Humanitarian Video, it will bring up a list, and the video is entitled From our Hands to Yours. I have gone and helped a few times, but that is the day that I go to the main center and work for the day. But, the video was interesting, and I think you might enjoy it.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Fun Busy Day

Today was pretty crazy. It started with dog walking curves, and then a phone call from Deano's niece Shelva who wanted me to go to breakfast at McDonalds. She had two little grandchildren to take care of and wanted to let them play while we visited. I only get to see her once in awhile because she works and is rather busy. Anyway, I went with her, got home at 10;30. Then I had to leave at 11;15 because I had a lunch date with Nancy and Bo. Then I was off to Tara's house because I was guest of honor at Sara's school for grandparents day. What a cute she is, and what a cute program they had prepared for the grandparents. They sang some very cute songs. A whole stage full of cute little 5 year olds singing their hearts out. They were so darling. Then they came off the stage to sit with their grandparents and we had a slide show of all of them with their grandparents. Then we got to go to their school room and have cookies, and see their school room. They had also made us a cute little present. (I wish I could figure out how to post it. Sunny tried to help but even together we couldn't get it!) Then I shopped on the way home, and now I am babysitting two little dogs who are afraid of the fireworks over at the HighSchool football game. That's all for now.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Just came home from learning how to can meat and beans in the pressure cooker. They will last for 10 years, so is a good source of Food Supply. You can it in the glass jars. It seems pretty easy, so I am going to give it a try. When the meat comes on sale that is a good time to get some to can. Also, the lady said that she cans the dry pinto beans and they turn out very tasty. Better than what you can buy in the store, and it saves money. I am all for that.

Had a great day at the Humanitarian Center, I think a lot of people decided to clean out their storage rooms and garages because it just kept coming in. WE ended up with three boxes of scraps, two grocery carts piled high with material for quilt blocks, two big boxes of fleece, a large basket full of flannel. and still have a bin to go through. It is a lot of fun. I like being there.

Well, Crew and Abby think they need to go for their nightly walk, so I will take them.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fundraiser Button

I finally figured it out(with Sunny's help. I don't know what I would do without that girl)!!


Once a month I get together with other LDS single women for a night together. We call ourselves the Filly's. We eat, play games and just talk and have a lot of fun together. The group is growing and all are such great women. Last night was no different, We had a great time together. I look forward to these gatherings. Last night I became aware of a husband and wife who were in a plane crash on August 16, 2008. They are in the hospital in Mesa recovering from burns. Their children have been sent to Utah to her sisters house to be taken care of. They are Stephanie and Christian Nelson. Her sister has a blog that keeps track of their progress. I found about them because one of the Ladies, Charlene Brown's son is married to Stephanies sister. They are having fund raisers trying to raise money to help with all the medical bills. I guess we missed a great concert at Mesa High School in their behalf. Anyway. It is a sad story, and just keep them in your prayers. I have included a button for the fundraiser, and if you want to go to the blog to find out about them, it is

I am so thankful for the good health that I have, and thank Heavenly Father Every day for my health and also that of my children and grandchildren, and my wonderful extended family. Our life on this earth is fragile, and we never know how long he will allow us to be here.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I've joined the blogging world

Hey, this is my first try at blogging, thought I should join the in crowd. Today Sunny and I went to lunch for my Birthday which was last week. I am still celebrating, You only turn 62 once in your life. Check back for updates later.